
When They Ask What Do You Want–How To Answer

How many times have you been asked “What Do You Want?”.  This could be with respect to what to have for dinner, what movie to watch or what college to attend.  How do you answer these questions?  Do they really want to know what you want or for you to agree with what they have already decided?  So many times I believe this is not so much a question for honest input but more for affirmation for a decision already made.  This puts one in a very awkward position how they should answer this particular question.  Personally, I find the most appropriate answer is the honest truth.  You will know immediately if they were really wanting the truth or for you to agree with their predetermined choice.  In my dealings with people I try to keep this in mind and when I ask this question I am honestly wanting them to tell me what they want not what I want them to want.  Makes life much easier.  However, if your goal is to not hurt their feelings there are a few tell tale signs that will tell you if t

What is in it for me?

Six words that send chills down my spine, What is in it for me? Recently while conversing with a close friend these words were uttered and it made me think about the human condition. This really sums up most of our motivations doesn’t it? We always want to know that if we invest in this person, event or idea that we will be rewarded. Our time and effort do have worth but is that really all there is to life? Do we really have to put a dollar value on everything we do? I believe sometimes you spend time and effort on people, places or things just for the reward of doing it. The fun is in the journey not the final destination. I would love to think that most people look beyond what they can get but in reality we are a pretty greedy bunch. For instance, taking a walk around the neighborhood can be seen as a waste of time but in actuality you would be amazed how much good can come from this simple event. You get exercise, fresh air and you never know who you may run into as you s

A Bad Day Gone Good

This past week has been one of the most difficult I can remember.  This includes the 2 years of anguish I suffered that culminated in my divorce.  First I had lost a cousin I grew up with.  We would go over to his house to play, he would come over to our house.  We went through Junior High and High School together.  I knew his wife, sister and his mother is one of my favorite aunts.  As losses go, this was a hard one.  He was was also one of my step-fathers favorite nephews.  My cousin worked for the railroad, same one my step-father worked for and enjoyed very much.  The other thing is my cousins father died when he was a baby and was someone my step-father looked up to.  His father had been fighting in Korea and contracted a disease which presented itself as cancer which also killed my cousin and is now affecting his sister.  So, going to a funeral which was a tragedy but when we (my girlfriend had accompanied me for support) arrived at my parents they were taking my step-father to

Beware of Predators - They Will Destroy You

Ever been approached to do something you just know is wrong but yet find yourself considering doing it anyway just to avoid conflict? I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. Ironically it usually involves someone I should be able to trust. It is amazing to me how often people will use a personal relationship built on trust or at least the illusion of trust to pursue their own agenda. No matter what pain this may cause the other person they have no problem manipulating and beating down the other person. Would this be so bad if it was a perfect stranger? Is the problem amplified because of the betrayal of trust? I believe it is a matter of opportunity more than anything else. I find it more painful that someone would betray my trust rather than thrust upon me one scam or another. In light of the fact that a trusting relationship has been betrayed it is even more hurtful when they use privileged information to further their cause to take what is not theirs. Amazingly

Smartphone - Friend or Foe

As technology develops, we have to adapt to the changes that these new advances afford. Unfortunately technological advances often clash with our social interactioins which were deemed important in the pre-technology age. It seems the more gadgets we get to improve our lives to more isolated we become. Is this good or bad? Some if not most would say that we are becoming a society of disconnected drones rather than members of a society. Ever seen a bunch of people sitting around texting, each other? Verbal communication is becoming a lost art. It seems it may be time to turn off the smart phones and actually engage other people in actual communication. Case in point, my friend who is female, asked me to an event. It was a dance and well as I made it ever so clear I do not dance. so while she is busy with others I inadvertently turned to my iPhone to write up some ideas for future blog entries. This was considered offensive since I wasn't engaging others in conversation. I have made

A Tale of the Departure of Three Giants

Today (August 16) marks the day three giants in their respective professions departed this life. Elvis Presley, the one who is probably celebrated most on this day, in 1977; Babe Ruth in 1948 and Bela Lugosi in 1956. All three of these men rode high in their professional life and were given all the luxuries this life could afford. Excess ruled their lives and their talent paved the way. From humble beginnings they rose above the rest. In popular music, who can top the impact Elvis had on the generations during his lifetime and since? What child hasn’t heard of Babe Ruth? What film student doesn’t know the work of Bela Lugosi. Their impact on all of our lives has been significant and will carry on for many generations beyond their seemingly short lives.

Top 5 Ways Your Life is Like a House

Just as a house has rooms for specific purposes, your life should have these same "rooms" for very specific purposes. Ever wonder why all houses have the same basic rooms? Our shelter reflects elements we need in each of our lives. You need a kitchen/dining room, a living room, a family room (or den as some would call it), a bedroom and a bathroom. Kitchen/Dining Room - Every house must have a place to prepare and consume nourishment, whether it be a cookie or a 6 course meal. The need for nourishment is key to survival. Without nourishment we would perish. We need regular intake of food to provide energy for the necessary and sometimes unnecessary activities in our life. Every feel sluggish? Time to visit the kitchen/dining room of our life to take in more energy. If your car runs out of fuel what happens? It stops, won't go, becomes pretty much useless. We are the same, without nourishment we stop and become all but useless. Living room - Just as we need physical nouris