Beware of Predators - They Will Destroy You

Ever been approached to do something you just know is wrong but yet find yourself considering doing it anyway just to avoid conflict? I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. Ironically it usually involves someone I should be able to trust.

It is amazing to me how often people will use a personal relationship built on trust or at least the illusion of trust to pursue their own agenda. No matter what pain this may cause the other person they have no problem manipulating and beating down the other person. Would this be so bad if it was a perfect stranger? Is the problem amplified because of the betrayal of trust? I believe it is a matter of opportunity more than anything else. I find it more painful that someone would betray my trust rather than thrust upon me one scam or another. In light of the fact that a trusting relationship has been betrayed it is even more hurtful when they use privileged information to further their cause to take what is not theirs.

Amazingly it almost seems that these predators seek out the weak willed and sometimes weak minded to facilitate their plans to drain their victims of everything they have. I am not only talking about money or material wealth but also of their very will to live. These people must be stopped short before they cause some real damage. The only thing they respect is power and in some cases that power has to be exerted beyond ourselves. Limited freedom as in incarceration are the only forces they will respect.

If you find yourself being the victim seek help and stop the madness. My experience stems from the worst offender, the sociopath. Someone who feels no remorse, guilt or shame from their actions. THey have no conscience and do not recognize the pain they are causing because they cannot empathize with anyone because they are damaged. They are not to be pitied because they will use that against you. You must separate yourself from these people and not look back. They have no sense of remorse so anything you think might affect them, won't. Words will be ineffective and if you are the least bit attached emotionally to these people they use it against you, every time. Please understand you must protect yourself and that can only happen once these predators are out of your life.

Life is too short to waste being a victim.


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