
Showing posts with the label Baptist Bible College

What Contemporary Christian Music Means to Me

Way back in 1979, when I first started going to Bible College (Baptist Bible College to be specific in Springfield, Missouri) I was introduced to the idea of Contemporary Christian Music through Amy Grant. Not a bad start given her phenomenal success that would come along later. The issue was that I really enjoyed my rock music and it was causing some consternation with my fellow students and the administration. My good room mate, Marty was kind enough to turn me on to the sweet sounds of Amy Grant and others in this burgeoning genre of music. I also picked up on Contemporary Jazz through Chuck Mangione (I did have a tendency to stumble on to the greats in the genres of choice) but that is for another day. I also started listening to Keith Green, Tim Shephard, the Cruse Family, Petra, etc. which gave me music I could actually relate to not like the rock music of the day. Never did drugs, slept around or crashed cars (Detroit Rock City for you Kiss fans never really applied to me). So,