
Showing posts from August 5, 2012

Strike While the Iron is Hot or the Iron May Strike Back

This is a cautionary tale of taking steps but not following through and seeing someone else reap the benefits. So, a little history is in order. While separated from my wife on a slow boat to divorce (2 year separation) I started setting up blogs to document the lessons I was learning going through the divorce process. I bought several domain names over several months. One of those domains was to indulge my interest in herb gardening and cooking with herbs. I had even written an article about taking an interest and turning it into a website. As time went on, my writing increased and I kept thinking I was going to do something about this herb website but alas that day never came. I agreed to go to counseling which resulted in a massive loss in confidence and so all writing ceased for months. Today I was going through the domains and websites I had had and realized that one of my domains had been lost, sold and the person who bought had made the dream I had a reality. They had a

Living in the Information Age

At this time, we seem to be bombarded by stimuli from all directions. Media expanded to the internet then smartphones put his in direct connection with information all of the time. Our email is no longer, when we get home but instantaneous through out the day and night. Given this onslaught of information what are we to do with it? The majority of people are now more informed than in any age before but how has this served us. Are we a better society because of it? Have there been more advances in medicine, science and the arts because of our new found exposure to constant information? It would not seem so given the evidence that abounds. No, being connected seems to be hindering more than helping. We still do not have a cure for cancer or even the common cold but hold on steadfastly to our internet connections as if they are somehow our life line. Maybe we have become jaded and taken the fact that a newspaper isn’t so much a news source for us any more. Radio and television

Trees: A Model for Building Better Relationships

Trees are an amazing example of growth utilizing many ingredients to produce a terrific result. You have sunshine, water, compost (decaying leaves, cut grass, etc.) and you can go from a seedling to a great big fruit producing, shade source of a tree in a few years. What does this have to do with relationships? Because relationships do not grow on their own, they have to be nurtured, fed and pruned to accomplish a great big fruit producing, shade source of a relationship than just keeps growing and growing if properly tended. This is not just about boy girl relationships but any relationship where two or more disparate entities come together to build a lasting, durable productive whole. A business relationship can be built in this way provided all parties are contributing and committed to the sustainability of this situation. It can also apply to co-workers, families and yes even relationships of the romantic variety. Just as trees must weather storms and winters, so must our re