
Showing posts from August 25, 2019

Failing English

In my daily discourses, I notice how pitifully poor my cohorts working vocabulary.  Seemingly lost in a myriad of colloquialisms and profanity interspersed for variety.  Must we always offend with each opening of our lips.  Surely, some attention must have been paid in grammar school when the vocabulary building exercises were laid upon us.  Fore I know most have college degrees from one sort of institution of higher learning or another.  My esteemed colleagues from the Ivy League variety do exercise a more refined discourse for mostly vane pursuits but for the others, please buy a dictionary and read it!  I do not raise myself to any higher, loftier position just awareness that there are quite a number of words that can be interjected for the banal comments that I witness on a daily (hourly sometimes) basis.  For those times when I try to elevate the conversation to a more refined level while discussing simple concepts like what does one wish to eat this evening, I get doe-eyed resp