Divorce Milestone : How I deal with it

Today marks 10 years since I put my ex-wife on a plane to Las Vegas.  A trip that was presented to me as going with friends (married couples) but in actuality and most deceptively was a ruse to spend time with her boy toy who I believe she ultimately married.  Adding pain to agony, I also paid for approximately $600 in Harley-Davidson t-shirts according to a reliable source.  This was but a step toward my life separated from my possessions but that ultimately freed my soul to join with the love of my life. 

When reviewing the events of that faithful year (2009) I see that a decision was made for me that I would have never chosen for myself.  The divorce agonizing not just for me but for all those around me as is the case in these experiences.  No man is an island, Jack indeed. 

It started with the discovery of an email that my wife had received from a divorce attorney, culminating in an agreement that haunts me to this day.  The key word for this experience was deception.  Deceived at every turn resulting in losing many of the possessions I had acquired in life but none of which I cannot live without.  I did in the course of 3 months of completing the divorce meet my current wife so a cloud with silver lining was found. 

Possessions are replaceable and money can be gained but the loss of relationships can be eternally damaging.  However, as with most experiences, it was like stepping off one ship and onto another with whole new group of passengers to endure the journey.  The previous ship was damaged beyond repair but the new ship is in great shape to withstand the coming adventures upon the high seas that is my life.

Another deception was the matter of finances in that the ex-wife remarried early on where I was paying a sizeable portion of my earnings to her and her new husband unbeknownst to me or the courts.  Brazenly, when I was laid off from my employment, she actually took me to court to take the final possessions, my families farm that I had somehow managed to retain half ownership.  So proud she must have been to render me without anything but alas I have moved onward and upward.

My faith in God dictates that I forgive the deceit and let God render any judgement He (yes, God is a He not a Her, not nature or any other allegorical element) deems necessary.  I find peace in the knowledge that I have let this go and moved on to much better climes than the storm I left behind that could only result in disaster.

So off I go, putting these events behind me and I must say lessons were learned.  I hope my experience can enlighten others to the disaster of going through with a divorce.  If you do decide to go through with it, know that your possessions can be replaced and may God bless you as you move forward.


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