Portion Control

A long time ago I went to my doctor because my allergies were worse than usual.  Somehow, the conversation went from what could I be allergic to how I should learn to eat less.  Apparently my weight issues were somehow tied to my allergies.  Being slightly offended I did consider what the fine doctor had to say. 

Now I understand that diet and weight and have a dramatic effect on how we are affected by allergic reactions.  So portion control becomes more important.  It is always so easy to eat way more than we need.  For instance instead of eating a handful of potato chips I find my self eating more like have a bag before I realize that my lips are numb from the salt on those bad boys.  A little moderation goes a long way.

Portion control can also be applied to more than food.  Instead of sitting around watching the entire 24 hour marathon of Beevis and Butthead we could just watch a couple of episodes at a time (thank goodness for DVR) and use the other time for more productive pursuits.  You could apply portion control to the amount of time you spend in front of your computer, Facebook time, financial planning time and yes even time spent worrying about how your spending your time.   It is important to have balance in ones life and portion control can be a guiding principle to enjoying a more diverse range of activities.


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