Participation is Key

Politics should not be a spectator sport but a full on contact sport. So many times we as a nation seem to want to let someone else make our decisions for us. For instance, voter turn out is considered acceptable in the 30% range. So basically 1 in 3 will take part in the political process while 2 out of 3 will be represented by someone whom they did not choose nor did they voice their opinion. Is it fair for those 2 out of 3 to complain? Yes and no. Yes, as someone who has fallen prey to the whims of the powers that be but no as in someone who did not take part in the most powerful medium we have at our disposal. The solitary vote may not mean much but 1,000,000 solitary votes can change the course of history. Each time an election occurs whether it be on the local or national level we have the opportunity to change the outcome. However, when the powerful make a decision or worse, pass a law we d o not agree with all of us chime in with our disapproval and give our opinion on what they should have done. Why are there so few who actually run for office? Why is it only the select few who engage their fellow man to represent them at every level of government? Well for one thing it costs the one running on many different levels. There is time, effort and of course money. Those placards you see in everyones yard are not free you know. Someone has to pay for it, someone has to go around asking to place the placard in the yard and someone has to guide the campaign. Everyone involved has an opportunity to participate. There are far more people involved in any campaign doing thankless jobs but that are critical to the success of the candidate. Not everyone will run for office but we can all participate in the political process in our own way. For me, when I was in high school I worked briefly on the campaign of Lloyd Bentsen for State Senator. He went on to win but not because of anything I personally did but because of the efforts of countless people from all walks of life contributing to the hope that Mr. Bentsen brought to the arena. It was a fantastic experience and formed many of my ideas about what being involved and working toward a common goal was all about. If everyone took part in the political process our nation might just become more engaged and pull together toward the common goal of supporting and driving our nation to the great status it once was and could be again. May God bless those who are brave enough to participate. For they are truly the heroes of our age.


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