Dealing with Aging of the Seemingly Ageless

While watching 2011 I was struck how timeless songs feel a little less timeless when the artists themselves are not so timeless.  A little breathiness here, a little pause there and a note or two off pitch can send one into a deep sense of regret and just a little remorse. Back in the day it didn’t seem they would never get old but now 30 odd years later it is oh so apparent that the time has come to realize nothing is forever and these artists might be better served taking a break and stepping down into a well deserved retirement.  Personally I blame music videos and the internet.  Video’s do add to the illusion of timelessness because any time you want to relive these artists in their hay day all you have to do is a simple search on the internet and voila! there you are back in 1982 and they just seem to never age.  It doesn’t seem fair since every time we look in a mirror we are brutally reminded of how the years have ravaged our bodies with not a hint of kindness.  It is one thing to be older but quite another to see our idols and heroes panting out of breath while trying to belt out that favorite tune or ours while trying to make as few movements as possible so they can pace themselves for the duration of a concert.  So, the next time you wonder about your favorite artist you see performing today, think of them with a little kindness because age is no respecter of persons, no matter how fabulous you may be.


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