Responses to How Are You Doing

How many times a day do people ask you how are you doing?  Personally I try to use this time to uplift my fellow man by highly exaggerating the state of life at that point.  Of course they think I am being disengenuine or some such but you know no one really wants to hear problems so why not give them a tale that will let them know not everones life is as disastrous as they think they live.  

One day I will tell everyone I am Fabulous and having a Fierce day.  Oh they snicker but you know seeing them smile does make for a fabulous and fierce day (watching way too much Project Runway episodes).  

Another day I will say everything is bodacious.  When they ask what does bodacious mean (like anyone doesn't really know) I tell them it means beyond awesome!  So the next time someone asks how you are doing light up your face like a Christmas tree and let them know life couldn't be better.

Of course, some days are easier to feign enthusiasm than others but if you keep trying you will find the whole attitude in the group (be it at work, church, school, etc.) will improve.  So let's all pay it forward for a change.


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